When orthodontic expansion is required, a custom created appliance is made and fitted over a few of the top teeth in the rear of the mouth. The device consists of two halves with a screw connecting it in the middle. The widening of the jaw occurs with the activation of the device with a special key. This key puts tension on the palatal bones, until proper separation is complete. To achieve the desired results, the key should be turned once or twice a day. Sometimes some soreness will be present due to the pressure.
When Might This Treatment Be Needed?
Orthodontic expansion is used for:
Limited space for permanent teeth
Impacted teeth
Misalignment of teeth
Can Adults Use Orthodontic Expanders?
Typically, orthodontic expanders are not used on adults. The use of an expander would be more uncomfortable than younger people because adult bone tissue growth is no longer active.
Aurora, CO
If you want to find the right team for your orthodontics experience, turn to our professionals. We are ready to take any action possible in order to make you feel better about your everyday life.